Author Spotlight · Interview with an Author

Interview with an Author featuring Deb Hunter

The Literary Vixen presents…


Joining us today is Deb Hunter! Her story, Fables: A Tudor Fairytale is on Kindle Vella and available now.

What inspired you to start writing?

Hi! Great question. It’s something I’ve always done *giggle* more like a compulsion than inspiration. 

I just don’t know why I do it. 

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Research. I research everything until finally writing it.

How do you deal with emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you are writing the story?

Another fantastic question. If I cry, I wonder if readers will cry. 

When writing Phoenix Rising-a novella about the last hour of Anne Boleyn’s life, I lost 12 lbs. It was stressful getting inside the head of someone knowing they might die. Henry VIII really strung her along the last few days of her life. She was led to believe he would offer her life at a convent. It’s one of history’s greatest love stories gone wrong, and it had to have the correct emotional string’s to give it the gravitas it deserves. 

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Only two novels – September Ends and I’ll See You In My Dreams. I like short reads. Numerous short stories and collections, and the novella Phoenix Rising. Those are all fiction. One collection, Sexuality & Its Impact on History: The British Stripped Bare published by Pen & Sword Books, UK was the #1 History and #1 Pop Culture best seller on Amazon in 2018.

What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

Oh…I really don’t know the answer to that. Everyone who writes has something to offer to readers. 

Let’s talk about Kindle Vella. Tell me about your experience with it.

Kindle Vella is a great challenge, and it’s in the launch phase. It’s just beginning. I actually LOVE writing the spontaneous little episodes. My series is called Fables: A Tudor Fairytale.

It’s the story of two actors playing on a film set in New Orleans, playing the parts of Anne Boleyn & Henry VIII. Only thing…the actors can’t stand each other, which is so much fun to write. But, like most extreme emotions-hate can shift to love with a smile. We’ll see what happens with these two characters as the series develops. 

The new episodes are dropping weekly. One fun thing I’m doing is drawing a card from my tarot deck and basing the new story on it. For instance, Story 3 was The High Priestess, and Story 4 is The Chariot. 

It’s kinda my jam. Phoenix Rising is based on an astrology chart.

What book is currently on your bedside table?

I’m a history person! The book is Queen’s Consort: England’s Medieval Queens by Lisa Hilton. 

Do you have any new series planned?

Not right now, but I would like to write some more Tudor history.

What advice would you give to other authors?

Don’t quit your day job!

What is the one thing you want people to know about you and your books?

Thank you to every single person who has read my work. You have no idea how much I appreciate you all. Special shoutout to my FB group, All Things Tudor. We are 16,000+ people with a love of Tudor England and an incredibly irreverent look at history.

They make my day every single day, and I love them all.


Thank you Deb Hunter for chatting with me! I will include her information down below. Check out her Kindle Vella series, Fables: A Tudor Fairytale today!


Some love stories last forever. Some are tragic. Some just…need magic. Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn. Their love changed history. Max King & Daisy Colston. Not so much. They despise each other as they play the part of the fabled lovers in the film considered ‘the-next-big-thing’ about the legendary Tudor affair. A chance encounter at a New Orleans tarot shop could seal their destiny.

USA Today bestselling author and historian Deb Hunter also writes fiction and history as Hunter S. Jones.She publishes independently and via traditional publishing platforms and is repped by Past Preservers Casting.

She has actively promoted the craft of historical writing through affiliation with many professional groups, including Society of Authors founded by Lord Tennyson, the Royal Historical Society, the American Historical Association, the Organization of American Historians, and the Dangerous Women Project.

When she isn’t writing, talking or tweeting about kings, queens and rock stars, she lives in Midtown Atlanta and Chattanooga, Tennessee with her Scottish-born husband.

Twitter: @theDebATL
FB: @theDebATL
IG: @theDebATL 
Fables: A Tudor Fairytale available via Kindle Vella


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